--- # # AWX version and base directory to deploy the Git Repo # awx_version: 19.2.2 awx_basedir: /opt/awx awx_github_repo: https://github.com/ansible/awx.git # # directory and names of files for the docker-compose project # awx_composedir: /opt/awxcompose{{ awx_version }} awx_compose_name: 'docker-compose.yml' awx_compose_override_name: 'docker-compose.override.yml' awx_prefix: "awx{{ awx_version.split('.') | join }}" # # Propeties of UNIX User awx # awx_user: awx awx_group: docker awx_password: '%a1W2x3$' # # Flag to force a deployment if already deployed # awx_force_deployment: False # # Flag to keep local data when awx_force_deployment is set to True # awx_keep_existing: False # # Flag to disable active Schedules in AWX database # disable_schedule: True # # Build User Interface # Remark: Must be run atleast once # build_ui: True # # Build and Push Docker Image # Remark: Build of the Docker image is required before running a new AWX version # build_docker_image: True push_docker_image: True # # Name and version of the Docker image # awx_image: "{{ docker_registry }}/awx/awx_devel" awx_image_tag: "{{ awx_version }}" # # PostgreSQL settings # pg_port: 5432 pg_username: 'awxuser' pg_database: 'awx' pg_password: 'awxpassw0rd' pg_database_dumpdir: "{{ awx_composedir }}/backup" # # Number of AWX containers. If set to 1, no haproxy is deployed # cluster_node_count: 1 traefik_http_port: 8013 http_port: 8013 https_port: 8043 sdb_port_base: 15899 database_dump_file: pg_dump_awx_2021-06-30_05.00.02.sql.gz docker_registry: pi4.seboto.net:50000 # # AWX Host for Traefik # awx_traefik_host: "awx{{ awx_version.split('.') | join }}.seboto.ma-wan.de" awx_traefik_sans: - "ansible{{ awx_version.split('.') | join }}.seboto.ma-wan.de" ...