# Copyright (c) 2015 Ansible, Inc. (formerly AnsibleWorks, Inc.) # All Rights Reserved. # Local Django settings for AWX project. Rename to "local_settings.py" and # edit as needed for your development environment. # All variables defined in awx/settings/development.py will already be loaded # into the global namespace before this file is loaded, to allow for reading # and updating the default settings as needed. ############################################################################### # MISC PROJECT SETTINGS ############################################################################### # Enable the following lines and install the browser extension to use Django debug toolbar # if your deployment method is not VMWare of Docker-for-Mac you may # need a different IP address from request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] # INTERNAL_IPS = ('', '', '') # ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # Location for cross-development of inventory plugins AWX_ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS = '/var/lib/awx/vendor/awx_ansible_collections' # The UUID of the system, for HA. SYSTEM_UUID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' # If set, use -vvv for project updates instead of -v for more output. # PROJECT_UPDATE_VVV=True ############################################################################### # LOGGING SETTINGS ############################################################################### # Enable logging to syslog. Setting level to ERROR captures 500 errors, # WARNING also logs 4xx responses. # Enable the following lines to turn on lots of permissions-related logging. #LOGGING['loggers']['awx.main.access']['level'] = 'DEBUG' #LOGGING['loggers']['awx.main.signals']['level'] = 'DEBUG' #LOGGING['loggers']['awx.main.permissions']['level'] = 'DEBUG' # Enable the following line to turn on database settings logging. #LOGGING['loggers']['awx.conf']['level'] = 'DEBUG' # Enable the following lines to turn on LDAP auth logging. #LOGGING['loggers']['django_auth_ldap']['handlers'] = ['console'] #LOGGING['loggers']['django_auth_ldap']['level'] = 'DEBUG' BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_PORT = 8013 BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_VERIFY_CERT = False BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL = 'http'